Land At Craigmalloch Farm, Barr, Girvan, KA26 9TN

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  • SB514-0805P
  • Land
  • For Sale
  • Freehold
  • South Ayrshire

Two blocks of productive farmland in a picturesque setting, bounded by amenity woodland, with easy access. Approximately 63 acres. Available as a whole or in two lots.
Lot 1 - Approx. 8.04ha (19.86 acres) - Offers over £65,000
Lot 2 - Approx. 17.46ha (43 acres) - Offers over £110,000

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Lauren Howie


01738 621 121
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      Lot 1 - 8.04ha (19.86 acres)
      Situated in an elevated position to the north of Craigmalloch farmhouse the land extends to approximately 19.86 acres (8.04 hectares) comprising 10 acres (4.05ha) grazing and 9.85 acres (3.99 ha) of woodland. The land is well fenced and considered stockproof. The subjects rise from approximately 120 metres to 170 metres above sea level. The agricultural land is classified as being mainly Grade 4(2) of the Macaulay Scale as produced by the James Hutton Institute. Mainly used for livestock grazing and silage crop and is wholly classified as LFA. The access road onto the ground is via the forestry track road. The lands are served by natural water sources.

      The agricultural fields are bounded by semi mature semi natural woodland, including Birch, Rowan and Sycamore which provide valuable shelter for stock. Some supplementary planting has recently been established in protective tubes around the field margins. Land is Forestry Grade F4/F5.

      Lot 2 - 17.46ha (43 acres)
      Lying to the east of Craigmalloch with access via the forestry road, lot 2 extends to approximately 43 acres (17.46 hectares). This is divided into 21.4 acres (8.67 hectares) of grazing and permanent pasture land and approximately 21.7 acres (8.79 hectares) of woodland. The majority of the grass is used for grazing and silage. The subjects rise from approximately 150 metres to 230 metres above sea level. The agricultural land is classified as being mainly Grade 4(2) of the Macaulay Scale as produced by the James Hutton Institute. There is a handling area just off the forestry track at the edge of the field for easy handling and transport of stock.

      The fields are bounded by mixed woodland to the south west and north, including some Sitka Spruce and broadleaves including Birch, Rowan and Sycamore which provide valuable shelter for stock. The woodland area is divided by a Scottish Power electricity pole line. Some new planting has recently been established in protective tubes at the far end of the site. Land is Forestry Grade F4/F5.

      Craigmalloch lies wholly within a Less Favoured Area and any payment by the Agricultural Food and Rural Communities: Rural Payments and Inspections Division under the above scheme in relation to the current farming year will be retained by the vendor.

      BASIC PAYMENT ENTITLEMENTS ( will check with owner)
      The land at Craigmalloch is registered for IACS purposes. Basic Payment entitlements are available by separate negotiation.

      Mineral Rights
      To the extent they are included within the vendor’s title.

      Local Authority
      South Ayrshire Council, Wellington Square, Ayr, KA7 1DR
      Tel – 0300 123 0900

      Date of Entry
      By mutual arrangement.

      Servitude Rights
      The property is sold subject to and with the benefit of all servitude rights, burdens, reservations and wayleaves, including rights of access and rights of way, whether public or private, light, support, drainage, water and wayleaves for masts, pylons, stays, cable, drains and water, gas and other pipes, whether contained in the Title Deeds or informally constituted and whether referred to in the General Remarks and Stipulations or not. The Purchaser(s) will be held to have satisfied himself as to the nature of all such servitude rights and others.
      There is a wayleave agreement between the client and Openreach on Lot 2 of the land. For more information please contact the office.

      Plans, Areas and Schedules
      These are based on the Ordnance Survey and Title Deeds and are for reference only. They have been carefully checked and computed by the selling agents and the purchaser shall be deemed to have satisfied himself as to the description of the property and any error or mis-statement shall not annul the sale nor entitle either party to compensation in respect thereof.

      Viewing Arrangements
      Viewing is strictly by appointment with the selling agents. Please contact the Ayr Office on 01292 886544 to arrange a suitable time.

      Closing Date
      A Closing Date may be fixed and we would advise prospective purchasers to register their interest with Bell Ingram Ltd, 33 Sandgate, Ayr, KA7 1BG.

      Purchasers should have their solicitor submit a Letter of Intent for the whole, detailing the price, date of entry and any conditions which they require to attach to their offer. The solicitors acting on behalf of the vendor will then issue an offer to sell to the successful purchaser.

      Whilst every effort will be made to ensure that parties having registered their interest will be notified of a closing date this cannot be guaranteed. It should be noted that the vendor reserves the right to accept offers prior to a closing date being set.

      Important Notice
      These sale particulars were prepared on the basis of information provided to us by our clients and/or our local knowledge. Whilst we make every reasonable effort to ensure that they are correct, no warranty or guarantee is given and prospective purchasers should not rely upon them as statements or representations of fact. Furthermore neither Bell Ingram Limited or its directors or employees assume any responsibility therefore. In particular:

      i) prospective purchasers should satisfy themselves as to the structural condition of any buildings or other erections and the state of repair of any services, appliances, equipment or facilities;
      ii) any photographs included in these particulars are for general information only and any furniture or contents shown in these photographs are not included in the sale unless this is expressly stated in these particulars:
      iii) any descriptions, measurements or dimensions quoted are approximate only and references to conditions, planning permissions, services, usage, construction, fittings & fixtures and moveable items are for guidance only.

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      EPC Graph

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      From Ayr travel on A77 to Grivan. At roundabout before entering Girvan take the B734. Carry along this road and turn right sigposted for Barr. On entering Barr turn right over the bridge and left onto Change Road and follow this road to Craigmalloch.