Glendoe Hydro Electric Scheme | Fort Augustus

Glendoe Hydro Electric Scheme

Negotiating terms for landowners hosting a major SSE Hydro scheme including new reservoir.


Bell Ingram was instructed by two estate owners on whose property SSE proposed to build the Glendoe Hydro Scheme, near Fort Augustus. The proposed scheme was to incorporate a new, 200 hectare reservoir and an underground power station, with capacity of 100MW. Bell Ingram’s remit was to negotiate terms with SSE for the proposed scheme.


Working closely with each Estate, Bell Ingram negotiated terms with SSE to enable the Hydro scheme to be built and operated. These terms included the purchase of land for an underground power station and a 1km dam, a lease for the reservoir area and servitude rights for 8km of tunnels, 12km of pipelines, 25km of access road and 10 intakes. The terms negotiated covered compensation during construction, including loss of sporting, along with consideration for the rights required to install and operate all the infrastructure. Short term leases were also negotiated for a number of construction camps and laydown areas with the construction contractors.


Agreements were signed by both Estates for the construction and operation of the hydro scheme. Construction lasted over a three year period and during the construction phase, Bell Ingram continued to provide advice to the Estates. We negotiated further claims for disturbance compensation, including loss of timber and quantified stone and sand extraction. As the project progressed Bell Ingram also gave advice on restoration of the pipeline areas and temporary working areas. The Glendoe Hydro Scheme was officially opened in June 2009.

Article posted on 26/10/2021