What is rural land worth this year? Land values in Scotland and the North of England
Bell Ingram’s guide to average rural land values in Scotland and the North of England has been updated and proves a useful tool for many involved with land transactions.
In reviewing the figures, Sarah Tyson, Head of Valuations, said:
“Average arable land and the best pasture land values have been relatively steady but there is still limited supply and continuing demand, especially where neighbours have the chance to buy. Borrowers are looking to take advantage of current low interest rates whilst they can and certainly AMC lending has seen a lot of fixed loan rate being very popular.
“The forestry sector remains very strong with good timber markets. The unprecedented demand from investors for land suitable for tree planting continues and is further fuelled due to the impact of Natural Capital, including peatland restoration and rewilding projects, although values are very site specific (and can seem eye watering), making it difficult to apply averages.
“Values for sporting interests are steady, but again vary depending upon the particular estate, location and facilities. Scotland has seen an increase in estate sales to those looking for forestry/Natural Capital interests and these examples of land use bring different dimensions, and, approach to prices. Nevertheless, deer management is still essential, and fishers are ever hopeful of a catch!”